My Book - My Little Writing Project!

Once upon a time a young girl got married to her prince charming and moved to the picturesque jungles of Kovalam. While there, she started a blog... One day, as she was sitting by the beach looking at the sun set, she started writing a short story to be published on her blog but it got a little long... as she had already noticed, no body liked reading long posts, so she decided against publishing it. But, she was really attached to the story and the characters and decided to develop it further by adding back stories and elaborating it further... soon, it turned into a full-fledged novel! she sent it to many publishing houses... and after couple of rejections, some maybes... she finally got a YES!

That young (yes young!) girl is yours truly and she is going to be a published author soon!

The book is still a work-in-progress but you would definitely see it in bookstores in the coming months!! :D

Stay tuned to this section for more trivia, updates and info about the yet-untitled book... who knows you might get to read a chapter sometime soon!!

P.S. If possible i would take you along this surreal journey of being published...

ADDED on 22nd March 2014.

As you can see the book is still unpublished and might remain so. As a result of certain unforeseeable delays - sometimes by the publishers, sometimes by my pregnancy and subsequent new mommy phase - the book has lost its topicality... Add to that certain creative differences. So, the publishers and I have decided to part ways, mutually.

I would have to wait some more to be a published author but you can read the book right here on the blog. How, you ask? Because I have decided to publish one chapter every week - on a Monday - for your reading pleasure. Why, you ask again? Let me explain - I write because I like to be read. I write because I want to share the stories bubbling up inside me. I write because that's the only thing I know how to do. So, instead of sending it out for another round of rejections, some maybes, contracts, frequent editings, delays and what not... I thought let me put it up on the blog, just the way it is right now. As I put the chapters, I might some changes... maybe, maybe not.

With a chapter a week, you have six days to finish reading it and send back your feedback /  critiques to me... You don't like how the story is shaping up - tell me! you don't think the character has depth - tell me! You think I should work on it - tell me! you think it's good - please tell me! You think it's crap - tell me. I would take note of all the suggestions (until you abuse me, then I will block you! Remember, there is always a polite way of putting your thoughts across, kindly use that way.) and try to incorporate them. So, you'll have three roles - reader, editor, and critic. Fun, right! Who knows I might become a better writer after this little experiment. Ready? Yes? yes. Yes!

Happy Reading...

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